Dominican Information Center
on New Religious Movements and Sects

We believe that every person has the right to obtain full knowledge about the religious group they are in contact with. That is why we provide information based on which the interested person can answer the question of whether and to what extent a given community poses a potential threat to them.

The network of Dominican information centers on new religious movements and sects has been operating in Poland since 1995. By order of the Provincial Chapter of 2018 and the decree of the Provincial of October 2, 2019, it was transformed into the Dominican Information Center on New Movements and Sects (DCI) operating at the monastery of St. Joseph in Służewo, Warsaw.

DCI conducts research on new religious movements, new spiritualities, sects, and manipulation. It also undertakes aid work. The aid offered is directed to people harmed by the destructive activities of religious groups and those entangled in immature, manipulation-based forms of belonging to relatively properly functioning groups or religious movements.

In the practice of our Center’s work, it is not enough to understand a sect as a religious or social group separated from a broader religious or social trend. That is why we use a definition of a sect that is closer to the social perception as an ethically negative cult group that uses manipulation.

Without giving up the clarity of our own religious and ideological attitudes, we respect the beliefs of people who come to us for help. In our activities, we are guided by the good of the person. We assume that every person has their own dignity by the very fact that they are a person, and not by their religious affiliation. Therefore, belonging to the Catholic Church is not a condition for obtaining help at our Center.

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